Oksana Kravtsova
Film Director · Documentary Feature
My motivation for my project “Glyadelov“
I have two higher educations. In addition to directing, I have an artistic one. In addition, I once worked as a photographer for many years.
Therefore, I am able to professionally evaluate the work of Oleksandr Glyadyelov. And I am sure that
his works will go down in history. Because through them the viewer sees the whole world, and the
name of this world is real Ukraine. Oleksandr remembers the names of all his heroes, all the
circumstances of their meeting, no matter when it happened, yesterday or 25 years ago. For him they
are not only the object of photography, but first of all people. Because it is people who make the
world the way it is.
Until February 24, the theme of war permeated all of Oleksandr Glyadyelov’s work. He photographed
in Chechnya and Transnistria, Nagorno-Karabakh and Africa. And, of course, in Donbas. And he
always said that his goal was to show what war is in order to prevent it here. But on February 24, a
great war began throughout Ukraine. And Oleksandr, who is 66 years old, said: „I would like to go kill the enemy, but my weapon is a camera. I have to tell the world what is happening here.“ His
exhibitions are held in the USA and Europe. And his photos convey the truth.
Oleksandr Glyadyelov is a living classic. It is impossible not to film about him. And I am happy that he
trusted me to tell the world about himself.