Nikon Romanchenko
Director · Fiction Feature
My motivation for my project “State“
Our team has been working on the realization of the film for more than a year. A creative group was formed, actor castings were held, and the first search for locations took place. The shooting of the film was supposed to start in the summer of 2022, but the war made its adjustments. It seemed difficult to stay productive and find strength when our country was at war and experiencing numerous losses on a daily basis. But we consider it necessary not to stop work on the film, but on the contrary to adapt to the new times. The core of our team remains in Kyiv, we have the opportunity to work not remotely, but in constant live contact. The dramaturgy of the script changes, new scenes appear, the bible of characters is transformed – all this requires greater immersion in the emotional state of people who remained in their cities during the hostilities. Today, this is a potential task for all team members that prompts action, the need for self-expression and the realization of one’s professional capabilities. Such motivation energizes us today and is a solid foundation for the future, where, despite everything, the film will be shot, edited and shown, including to the international community, which needs to see the true picture of the love story during the war.